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  1. February Attendance Notice -II-IV-VI Term 24-25
  2. Notice for Online Quiz 
  3. Suspension of Classes (Old Building)-21 February-2025
  4. January Attendance Notice -II-IV-VI Term 24-25
  5. Examination Fee Notice (only for Regular Students) - II/IV/VI Term-24-25)
  6. Time Table January 2025 Semester II, IV, VI
  7. Section Wise List IVth & VIth Term-24-25
  8. Re-Admission-Admission- Notice-II-IV-VIth Term
  9. Member of ICC Notification
  10. Date Extension Subject Optional Form Notice
  11. Subject Optional Form Notice - 2nd & 3rd Year
  12. Recording of Subject Orientation Programme Semester- IV & VI
  13. Cultural Society Notice
  14. NSS Supplementary List - 5th Batch
  15. LSS- Call for Volunteers
  16. Notice & Affidavit format for student candidates contesting Student Union Election
  17. MCS Notice - Price Media Law Moot Competition 
  18. Election Notice
  19. LSS Membership List of Students 2024-25
  20. October Attendance Notice -I-III-V Term 24-25
  21. Election of CR - Internal Complaints Committee, 2024
  22. Clarification Notice for the Fresher's Induction Moot, 2023
  23. LSS - Call for Volunteers
  24. Fresher's Induction Moot
  25. Aug-Sep Attendance Notice -I-III-V Term 24-25
  26. List of selected NSS LC-1 Volunteers
  27. LSS - Membership Notice
  28. MCS Orientation
  29. LSS Orientation Programme Notice
  30. ADR- Selected candidates for Executive Membership 
  31. Extension Notice for ID card distribution & documents-I/III/V Term-24-25
  32. ADR- Interview of Shortlisted Students 
  33. NSS - Notice
  34. Canvassing for DUSU Elections
  35. Notice-Last Time for Campaigning
  36. LSS Outreach Notice
  37. ID Card Collection Video
  38. Extension notice for ID card distribution-III & V Term-24-25
  39. Grievance Committee Election -24-25
  40. List of Selected Candidates for LC-I Student's Union Election-24-25
  41. Urgent Notice regarding Vote-Casting
  42. Withdrawal timings for Student Union Election-24-25
  43. Form for Withdrawal of Candidature
  44. Election List 2024
  45. Nomination Form for Student Union Election-24-25
  46. Criteria for eligibility for Law Centre-1
  47. Nomination Form
  48. Notice-LSS
  49. Mark-Sheet Required-III-V Term-24-25
  50. Extension Notice for ID card distribution-III & V Term-24-25
  51. Notice for Document Submission LL.B. 1st year date Extension 24-25
  52. Paryaya Coordinators
  53. LSS- Call for Volunteers 
  54. Notice for ID card distribution-III & V Term-24-25
  55. LL.B. 1st year Admission list for Spot Round 3 & 4
  56. Anti Ragging Form
  57. LSS - Outreach Notice
  58. ELC - Notice
  59. Election Schedule 2024
  60. Notice for Document Submission LL.B.-1st Year 24-25
  61. ADR Society - Invitation for Membership and Applications for Student Coordinator
  62. Notice for Institutional E-mail ID 2024-25
  63. LSS - Skit Committee
  64. LSS - Call for Volunteers
  65. Time Table I, III & V Semester
  66. Section Allocation List - IIIrd & Vth Term - 2024-25
  67. List of LC-1 Student Union Members 2023-24
  68. Project Saksham - Call for Volunteers
  69. Final List of Ist Year Students-2024-25
  70. Optional Subjects List - 2nd & 3rd Year - 24-25
  71. Revised Subject Optional Form Notice Vth Term 24-25
  72. Date Extension Admission Notice-III/V Term 24-25
  73. Provisional August-2024 Time Table 1st year-24-25
  74. Provisional 1st year Student list 24-25
  75. Orientation Programme for Semester III, LL.B, 2024-25
  76. Orientation Programme for Semester V, 2024-25
  77. Undertaking for Provisional Promotion to LLB Second and Third year
  78. LL.B. Admission form-24-25
  79. Notice- Subject Orientation Programme - 1st & 2nd Year
  80. Admission Notice-24-25
  81. LSS: List of Selected Students for PLV Induction 
  82. Degrees Collection Notice-2023
  83. Remedial Classes Notice -II-IV-VI Term
  84. Time Table for Remedial Classes
  85. Revised Exam Datesheet
  86. Urgent : Postponement of LL.B. Examination
  87. Urgent Notice for VIth Term Regular Students 23-24
  88. Change of Exam Timings -II-IV-VI Term -23-24
  89. Revised Datesheet for LL.B. II-IV-VI Term Examination, July 2024
  90. LSS: Criteria for PLVs Induction 
  91. ADR Society - Inaugural Event
  92. May Attendance Notice -II-IV-VI Term 23-24
  93. Time Table Updates
  94. Applications for Legal Awarness Programme 
  95. LSS Outreach Programme
  96. Exam Forms Date Extension -II-IV-VI Term-23-24
  97. Saksham 3.0 - Inviting applications for volunteering
  98. LSS - Students Executive Body
  99. April Attendance Notice -II-IV-VI Term 23-24
  100. P&I Committee - Trainee Associate Vacancy
  101. P&I Committee - Associate Vacancy
  102. Internship Opportunity
  103. P&I Committee - Associate Vacancy
  104. ADR Society - Executive Membership
  105. LSS: Interview of Shortlisted Students
  106. Run for Viksit Bharat on May 8, 2024 at 7:00 a.m. Notification  Registration Link
  107. LC1 - Book Club
  108. ADR : Interview of Shortlisted Students 
  109. Internship Opportunity
  110. Cultural Society - Inaugural Meet 2024
  111. Internship Opportunity
  112. LSS - Call for Applications for student body
  113. March Attendance Notice -II-IV-VI Term 23-24
  114. Internship Opportunity
  115. Inviting Applications for Research Internship 
  116. Inviting Applications  for LSS Society
  117. Inviting Applications  for ADR Society
  118. Submission of Examination Forms-Date Extension-II-IV-VI Term-23-24
  119. Urgent Notice-II-IV-VI Term-23-24
  120. Moot Court Society- Common Induction Moot Court 2024
  121. Important Instructions for ER/Back/Improvement Papers for VITH TERM (REGULAR STUDENTS)
  122. Notification - Filling up Exam Form for LL.B. II/IV/VI Examination (May-June 2024)
  123. Regular & ER-Back / Improvement Paper Fee Notice -II-IV-VI Term-23-24
  124. Ex-Student Notice-II-IV-VI Term
  125. Suspension of Classes-15 & 16 March-2024
  126. Time Table - II Semester; IV Semester; VI Semester 
  127. Time Table - II Semester, IV Semester & VI Semester (for 1-2 March, 2024)
  128. Section Wise List -IVth & VIth Term 23-24
  129. Subject Optional List IVth & VIth Term 23-24
  130. II-IV-VI Term-23-24 Admission-Re-Admission Notice
  131. Application for PLV Training
  132. Subject Option Form -2nd & 3rd Year Date Extension
  133. Recording of Subject Orientation Programme (Semester IV) - Part I   Part II
  134. Subject Option Form - 2nd Year & 3rd Year Students
  135. List of Selected Students - 4th Batch NSS
  136. Submission of Examination Form - Date Extension
  137. Notice - Orientation Programme (Answer Writing in Examination) Semester I
  138. Notice - Subject Orientation Programme, Semester IV and Semester VI, 2024
  139. LSS - Road Safety Programme - Applications Invited
  140. National Level Business Plan Competition on Legal Innovation & Legal Startups - 2024 - Pre-Invite Registration Link
  141. December Attendance Notice-I/III/V Term-23-24
  142. Submission of Examination Form
  143. LSS Membership List
  144. Urgent Exam Fee Notice - I/III/V Term-23-24 -REGULAR STUDENTS ONLY
  145. Academic Calender
  146. Sports Meet 2023
  147. Urgent Notice for 2nd Year (IIIrd Term-23-24) Students
  148. LSS Membership Form
  149. LSS Orientation
  150. LC-1 Cultural Society - List of Selected Students
  151. Moot Court Society - Fresher's Induction Moot Court Competition
  152. Sports Committee - List of Selected Students
  153. IP Law Moot Court Competition - Invitation, Proposition, Rules Brochure
  154. ABC ID - Step by Step guide
  155. Viksit Bharat@2047:  - Consultation Programme - 11 November 2023; Concept Note
  156. NSS - Call for Induction
  157. Notice-ID Card Distribution-1st, 3rd & 5th Term-Date Extension
  158. Suspension of Classes 
  159. Sports Committee - Call for Induction
  160. Notice- CONSTI QUESTA
  161. Notices - 1st Year LL.B. Students - Submission of Documents 
  162. Electoral Literacy Club - Link for Students & Centre/Department
  163. Net Zero Movement - Call for Volunteers
  164. Cultural Society - Call for Registrations
  165. LSS- Webinar Notice
  166. LSS- On Foot Rally
  167. LSS- Legal Awareness Programme 
  168. Moot Court Society - Orientation Programme
  169. Notice - Ex-students
  170. Attention LC-1 Alumni
  171. Notice - 5th Semester Regular Students
  172. Notice - Submission of Examination Forms
  173. Orientation Programme - 1st Year students
  174. Revised List of Section Allocation - Ist Year
  175. Notice - ID Card Distribution - 3rd & 5th Term
  176. First Edition of NLUJ International Law Blog Writing Competition
  177. Section Allocation - 2nd Year
  178. Section Allocation - 3rd Year
  179. LC-1 Podcast - Session 1; Session 1 Credits
  180. Commencement of Classes
  181. Time Table - 1st Year; 2nd Year; 3rd Year
  182. Notice - Re-admission Term III & V - Date Extension
  183. Notice - Suspension of Classes
  184. Notice - Casting of Votes
  185. Notice - Polling Booth & Voters - Election 2023-24
  186. Notice - Defacement of Property
  187. LL.B. Section Allocation - Semester I
  188. DLSA Notice
  189. Notice for Personal Presence with ID Card
  190. Notice for ID Card Issued
  191. Notice for Election - w.r.t. Fee & ID Card
  192. Withdrawal of Nomination Form
  193. Office Order
  194. Attention - LL.B. & Passed Out Students
  195. Notice - Extension of Date of Admission/Re-admission - LL.B. III/V Semester
  196. Notifications - Election Grievance Redressal Cell; Entry of Outsiders in LC1 Premises; Election Related Rules; Revised Schedule for Elections
  197. Subject Orientation - LL.B. 1st Year
  198. Link for filling up Optional Subject Form - Semester III; Semester V (Use ONLY institutional email ID to fill out the forms. Deadline - 11 September'23 5:00p.m.
  199. Link to access Subject Orientation Programme Recording through Institutional Email ID ONLY Semester III ; Semester V (NOTE: The file needs to be downloaded for viewing the programme.)
  200. ABC Account for Students
  201. Guidelines for Student Election
  202. Notice for Election Wall 
  203. Notices regarding Student Elections 2023-24 - Schedule for election 2023-24, Nomination Form, Committees for Student Election
  204. LL.B. Students Orientation Semester III & Semester V 
  205. LC-1 Office Non Working Days (6-10 Sept., 2023)
  206. Advisory Notice
  207. Admission/Readmission LL.B. II & III Year  - Notice & Form 
  208. ELC - Enrollment Notice
  209. LSS - Mega Outreach Programme 
  210. Student Feedback Form
  211. Internship Opportunity
  212. Campus Placement - National Commission for Women
  213. Podcast & International Law Fest Committee - List of selected candidates 
  214. Podcast & International Law Fest Committee - List of shortlisted candidates for interview
  215. LSS Notice- Inviting Applications for Legal Awareness Campaign
  216. Notice- Delhi Disaster Management Authority
  217. Notice: Visits to Rashtrapati Bhavan Museum 
  218. LC-1 Podcast and International Law Fest Committee
  219. Notice- LL.B 2nd Semester 
  220. LSS Notice- Inviting Applications for Legal Awareness  Campaign 
  221. Notice: IInd Term fees
  222. Postponement of LL.B Supplementary Examination
  223. Notice - LL.B. Supplementary Examination
  224. Notice - Degrees of 2022
  225. Notice - Time Table
  226. Notice - Student Registration for Placement Drive 2023
  227. Notice - LSS InvitIng Applications for Legal Awareness Campaign
  228. Notice - Recruitment - Placement & Internship Committee
  229. Notice - Opportunity for Internship
  230. Last date for Re-Admission in LL.B IInd Term
  231. Notice for Re-Admission in LL.B IInd Term
  232. Notice for the Commencement  of LL.B IInd Term Classes

**For notifications older than one week, visit Notifications Archive


Faculty in Focus 

  1. Pushkar Anand received the 2020 Honourable Mention from the Indian Law Review Best Article Prize Committee in July 2021, for his article Indian Courts and Bilateral Investment Treaty Arbitration published in Indian Law Review (Routledge London) Vol. 4(2020).
  2. Ms Meena Kumari received the Best Early Career Paper in Law Award for her paper titled Changing Perspectives of Hindu Marriage presented at the conference - A Sacred Covenant? Historic, Legal and Cultural Perspectives on the Development of Marital Law, organized by Institute of Humanities, Northumbria University (UK) and The Journal of Legal History (Routledge London), on 20th May 2021.
  3. Dr. Sunanda Bharti has been chosen as one of the Top 100 Lex-Falcon Awardees 2021 (Category - Legal) at the LexTalk World Conference on 7th & 8th April 2021 at Crowne Plaza, Dubai. This is a Global Award for impactfully contributing to the legal industry with great knowledge, reach, innovative ideas, suggestions, futuristic spirit and approach in the field of IPR. The Awardees were announced based on an unbiased evaluation of more than 700 nominations received vide Asia, the Middle East and Africa.

  4. Shivika Choudhary co-authored a chapter titled The 1993 Intercountry Adoption Convention: from gift child to safer adoptions in Thomas John, Rishi Gulati and Ben Koehler (eds.), The Elgar Companion to the Hague Conference on Private International Law (Elgar Companions to International Organisations Series, Edward Elgar Publishing: The Hague and London, 2020).

  5. Amit Sinha received the Asian Society of International Law (Asian SIL) Young Scholars Prize from the Asian Society of International Law and Cambridge University Press, for his article Non-Precluded Measure Provisions in Bilateral Investment Treaties of South Asian Countries published in Vol. 7(2), Asian Journal of International Law (Cambridge University Press). He received the award at the 7th Biennial Conference of the Asian Society of International Law (AsianSIL), organized in Manila, Philippines (22nd-23rd August 2019). 


  Important Links
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Supreme Court Judgments